Rather than start an independent run, I strongly suggest we use our strengths to convince Mr. McCain the FAIR TAX is the way to go. I do not advocate injecting a split to the voting alternative. In our case this only gives advantage to the Democrats.
Mr. Thompson
Monday, March 24, 2008
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Mr. Thompson,
Convincing Mr. McCain is a pipe dream! Forgive me for being so blunt but the times we are headed into as a nation demands that clear and decisive words be spoken. Our beloved country is headed towards bankruptcy. Because of the lack of real leadership, McCain included our nation has a bill coming due that has been ignored due to the fact that Members of Congress, McCain included consider it politically risky.
I am not a politician. I am an American that is fed up with the way our government is being run by people that you and I would not deal with in our daily business based on their approval rating. This past week that approval rating has fallen even lower than it was when I announced my candidacy.
The three major candidates are all members of the lowest rated Congress in the history of our country and you want to try and convince McCain into changing his mind. The Fair Tax will take away a huge source of McCain and others power; the power to tax. If our two parties had our interest at heart then the Fair Tax would have been enacted by now.
Over the next 20 years you, I, our children and their children will owe 65.9 Trillion dollars plus interest. 65.9 Trillion dollars!! There is no way to pay for this under the current leadership because they operate under the myth that there is no hurry.
We need to create an economic engine the likes of that has never been seen in the world. The passage of the Fair Tax will be the kick start to that engine. America needs to become the magnet for capital and its formation in bricks and mortar equaling jobs and more jobs. Under my plan America will attract back to it all of the manufacturing jobs that went overseas that McCain and all the Members of Congress allowed. They all, McCain included, did not step up to the plate to stop all of the past and current FREE TRADE deals that made owning and running a business in America tough.
America is the largest pocket book in the world and everyone wants to tap into it. That pocket book was built by our past generations and it was meant to be ours. McCain and his fellow Members of Congress have worked very hard to open that pocket book up to the world. I say close it. I will work to place import duties and tariffs on all things made outside of America. I will level the playing field.
You are in construction, a very competitive business. How do you like competing against unfair labor cost by those companies that hire the illegal aliens? That is exactly what the loss of jobs over seas has done to our great nation. By shipping our jobs overseas for lower labor cost and then letting those same products come back into America at a lower cost we have helped the importing countries economies to compete for the same raw materials that feeds their growth. Do you like paying $4 a gallon for gasoline? China uses every day half of the worlds daily production of concrete.
I want to put a stop to all of this. I believe that America has a destiny and that is what we need to be about. Our greatest economic growth came between 1830 and 1913 when we were our most protected against imports. America can become an “Island in the sky.” Fences make good neighbors!
Lastly, the two party system has sold out the American people. Only an independent president can make the necessary decisions that will take America out of the tail spin that she is in. So join me as I light fires in the minds of people who want the best for America.
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