Tom, please send your background info. You may not want a Jesuit educated, NRA lifer, right-wing extremist wacko on your team. If we have a fit, Patty and I will help. Regards. Fitzs.
Jesuits are my cup of tea. I was born, raised and educated in Alabama, four years in Military Intelligence in Vietnam, three years Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, seven years in retail sales with W.T. Grant and Kmart, self employed the rest of the time with my own Construction Company, national franchise, restaurants, sports promoting and publishing. Currently semi retired operating my sports promoting and publishing companies.
I ran for the state house here in NC back in the 70’s and lost but ran well enough to be asked to share the party’s finance committee chairmanship. My “Right to Life” stance got me booted out of the democrat party. From there stayed out of politics and ran my business interest, raised two children and still married; 34 years this August.
My decision to run was prompted by the ignoring of the “rule of law” by our elected officials in regard to the illegal alien invasion. From that and a great amount of research I soon found that our beloved country is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy if not already there. This is why the fair tax issue is so badly needed. It’s enacting is the quickest way to jump start our economy (without government interference) that will raise our GDP and the amount of resulting taxes raised off of consumption of that increased GDP as well as the investments that will flow in to this country.
The aid in our economy’s resurgence will be my protectionist measures. FREE TRADE is killing America. From 1830 to 1913 America out grew any other country in the world during its most protectionist period. To close our borders to trade will be hard fought against by those that see America first becoming a part of the North American Union and then submitting her to a one world government that has been in the works since 1913.
"[The task is to] covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations." -- Rowan Gaither [Horace Rowan Gaither, Jr.] (1909-1961) Attorney, investment banker, President of the Ford Foundation (1953-1956) 1954 Source: stated to Congressional Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." Dr. G. Brock Chisolm (1896-1971) Canadian World War I veteran, medical practitioner, first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), first head of the World Federation of Mental Health.
We have got to face the fact that the two party system has sunk to its lowest level since our country’s founding and I believe that only an independent president can stop the direction that America is headed and then turn it around where we can get back to the business that our founders had envisioned. Please join me in this fight and I assure you that I will make you proud of your decision.
1 comment:
Dear Patricia,
Jesuits are my cup of tea. I was born, raised and educated in Alabama, four years in Military Intelligence in Vietnam, three years Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, seven years in retail sales with W.T. Grant and Kmart, self employed the rest of the time with my own Construction Company, national franchise, restaurants, sports promoting and publishing. Currently semi retired operating my sports promoting and publishing companies.
I ran for the state house here in NC back in the 70’s and lost but ran well enough to be asked to share the party’s finance committee chairmanship. My “Right to Life” stance got me booted out of the democrat party. From there stayed out of politics and ran my business interest, raised two children and still married; 34 years this August.
My decision to run was prompted by the ignoring of the “rule of law” by our elected officials in regard to the illegal alien invasion. From that and a great amount of research I soon found that our beloved country is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy if not already there. This is why the fair tax issue is so badly needed. It’s enacting is the quickest way to jump start our economy (without government interference) that will raise our GDP and the amount of resulting taxes raised off of consumption of that increased GDP as well as the investments that will flow in to this country.
The aid in our economy’s resurgence will be my protectionist measures. FREE TRADE is killing America. From 1830 to 1913 America out grew any other country in the world during its most protectionist period. To close our borders to trade will be hard fought against by those that see America first becoming a part of the North American Union and then submitting her to a one world government that has been in the works since 1913.
"[The task is to] covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations."
-- Rowan Gaither [Horace Rowan Gaither, Jr.] (1909-1961) Attorney, investment banker, President of the Ford Foundation (1953-1956) 1954 Source: stated to Congressional Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." Dr. G. Brock Chisolm
(1896-1971) Canadian World War I veteran, medical practitioner, first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), first head of the World Federation of Mental Health.
We have got to face the fact that the two party system has sunk to its lowest level since our country’s founding and I believe that only an independent president can stop the direction that America is headed and then turn it around where we can get back to the business that our founders had envisioned. Please join me in this fight and I assure you that I will make you proud of your decision.
2008 Independent Candidate for the Presidency
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