Rush, wouldn’t you much rather see the true price of commodities based entirely on those that consume products and those that produce products?
You jump all over the government for making money off of our oil when they do nothing to produce the oil we use. Then why not condemn the actions of those speculators who make money off of the very same oil without any effort to produce it or take delivery of it and refine it for distribution?
A true market place is one where those that consume products and those that produce products come together decide on a price and then part. If the amount of products demanded by the consumer is more than a producer’s supply then the price should rise slightly or until supply meets demand.
Speculators create an artificial demand that causes price increases. Those that pay the price for this artificial price rise are the consumers. There was a time in this country when this type of activity was frowned upon. Remember the Hunt brothers when they tried to corner the silver market?
I am not in favor of government interference but I am in favor of providing protection for the “general welfare” of its citizens. Protecting the basic needs of its citizens provides a foundation to the health and well being of the American people so that they can perform their daily duties in the continued building of the greatest economic engine the world has ever seen.
Product pricing should be based purely on the cost of production plus profit margin period! If a producer cannot make money at current price levels then he has to adjust his pricing. If the new price is higher than a competitor which would make him un-competitive then he should fold up his tent and go home or make the necessary adjustments to be more competitive.
The speculation in stocks and bonds has no real affect on product or service pricing. So let the speculators confine themselves to the stock and bond markets.
Tom Millican
Monday, July 7, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Answer to Walter Williams Article on "Foreign Trade."
Walter Williams;
The United States is the world's largest recipient of foreign direct investment. According the Economic Report of the President, in 2004, foreigners owned $5.5 trillion in U.S. assets and had $2.3 trillion in sales. They produced $515 billion of goods and services, accounting for 5.7 percent of total U.S. private output, and employed 5.1 million workers, or 4.7 percent of the U.S. workforce in 2004. According to the Congressional Research Service, in 2006 alone, foreign investors spent $184 billion investing in U.S. businesses and real estate; the highest amount foreign investors have spent since 2000. My question to Clinton, Obama and the anti-trade lobby is, would Americans be better off if
there were no foreign investment in our country?
Tom Millican;
Walter, come on. That is exactly the kind of trade we should be doing. If a company wants to sell its products in the largest pocketbook in the world then let them come over here build a plant and then sell their goods here in America.
Walter Williams;
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 1996 and 2006, about 15 million jobs were lost and 17 million created each year. That's an annual net creation of 2 million jobs. Roughly 3 percent of the jobs lost were a result of foreign competition. Most were lost because of technology, domestic competition and changes in consumer tastes.
Tom Millican;
Walter the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not look at the kind of job lost and the kind of job gained. The lost jobs were good paying manufacturing jobs while the jobs created were service jobs most likely at Wal-Mart.
Walter Williams;
Some of the gain in jobs is a result of "insourcing". Foreign companies, such as Nissan, Honda, Nokia, and Novartis, set up plants, hire American workers and pay them wages higher than the national average. According to Dartmouth College professor Matthew Slaughter, insourced" jobs paid a salary 32 percent higher than the average U.S. salary. So here's my question to anti-traders: If "outsourcing" is harmful to the U.S., it must also be harmful to European countries and Japan; would you advise them to take their jobs back home?
Tom Millican;
“Outsourcing” is harmful to any country that does it. What you are not saying is that the companies that you mentioned are also doing well in their home countries. Those companies found it more economical to do business nearer the largest number of their customers. Again, the US should welcome any and all companies that want to build plants and create payrolls in the US.
This is going to be hard for your to swallow but the higher wage is because the ex-employees of those companies that went over seas were only able to find lower paying service jobs.
Walter Williams;
Wal-Mart has become the whipping boy for political demagogues, unions and anti-traders. I suggest that they have the wrong target. The correct target is revealed by answering the question: "Why does Wal-Mart exist and prosper?" Wal-Mart exists and prospers because tens of millions of Americans find Wal-Mart to be a suitable source of goods and services. Clinton, Obama, unions and anti-traders should direct their outrage and condemnation at the tens of millions of Americans who shop at Wal-Mart and keep it in business.
Tom Millican;
Suitable source of goods and services, hmmmm. Wal-Mart’s rise is the real barometer of the falling incomes in the US Walter and the consumer is only trying to survive.
Walter Williams;
There's great angst over the loss of manufacturing jobs. The number of U.S. manufacturing jobs has fallen, and it's mainly a result of technological innovation, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. Daniel W. Drezner, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, in "The Outsourcing Bogeyman" (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2004), notes that U.S. manufacturing employment between 1995 and 2002 fell by 11 percent. Globally, manufacturing job loss averaged 11 percent. China lost 15 percent of its manufacturing jobs, 4.5 million man-ufacturing jobs compared with the loss of 3.1 million in the U.S. Job loss is the trend among the top 10 manufacturing countries who produce 75 percent of the world's manufacturing output (the U.S., Japan, Germany, China, Britain, France, Italy, Korea, Canada and Mexico).
But guess what -- globally, manufacturing output rose by 30 percent during the same period. According to research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, U.S. manufacturing output increased by 100 percent between 1987 and today. Technological progress and innovation is the primary cause for the decrease in manufacturing jobs. Should we save manufacturing jobs by outlawing labor-saving equipment and technology?
Tom Millican;
Walter, here in North and South Carolina the furniture and textile industries were already modernizing their operations but were still bundled up and sent overseas. If modernization was the answer why didn’t all of those companies just stay here in the US and up date their plants etc. No they wanted the cheaper labor along with more modern plants. When Clinton the more shameful one signed NAFTA and the automobile industry flew south of the boarder it was not because of modernization. It was out and out cheaper labor. So get off this technology kick and tell the whole truth or are you on the payroll of the Council on Foreign Relations?
Walter Williams;
Economist Joseph Schumpeter referred to this process witnessed in market economies as "creative destruction," where technology, innovation and trade destroy some jobs while creating others. While the process works hardships on some people, any attempt to impede the process will make all of us worse off.
Tom Millican;
First off Walter your economist was sympathetic to Karl Marx’s belief that capitalism would collapse and that it would be replaced with socialism. He also used a word “corporatism” which he believed would lead to values unfriendly to Capitalism. He further professed that the climate needed to allow entrepreneurship to survive will not exist in advanced capitalism. If you were honest with your readers you would have told them that Schumpeter also believed that the final conclusion of his theory would be a welfare state!
As your president I will put up trade barriers. Free trade is not free to the family who is out-placed by the loss of their jobs. I will continue to encourage foreign companies to bring their jobs to America and in fact my “Fair Tax” legislation will do just that.
The United States is the world's largest recipient of foreign direct investment. According the Economic Report of the President, in 2004, foreigners owned $5.5 trillion in U.S. assets and had $2.3 trillion in sales. They produced $515 billion of goods and services, accounting for 5.7 percent of total U.S. private output, and employed 5.1 million workers, or 4.7 percent of the U.S. workforce in 2004. According to the Congressional Research Service, in 2006 alone, foreign investors spent $184 billion investing in U.S. businesses and real estate; the highest amount foreign investors have spent since 2000. My question to Clinton, Obama and the anti-trade lobby is, would Americans be better off if
there were no foreign investment in our country?
Tom Millican;
Walter, come on. That is exactly the kind of trade we should be doing. If a company wants to sell its products in the largest pocketbook in the world then let them come over here build a plant and then sell their goods here in America.
Walter Williams;
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 1996 and 2006, about 15 million jobs were lost and 17 million created each year. That's an annual net creation of 2 million jobs. Roughly 3 percent of the jobs lost were a result of foreign competition. Most were lost because of technology, domestic competition and changes in consumer tastes.
Tom Millican;
Walter the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not look at the kind of job lost and the kind of job gained. The lost jobs were good paying manufacturing jobs while the jobs created were service jobs most likely at Wal-Mart.
Walter Williams;
Some of the gain in jobs is a result of "insourcing". Foreign companies, such as Nissan, Honda, Nokia, and Novartis, set up plants, hire American workers and pay them wages higher than the national average. According to Dartmouth College professor Matthew Slaughter, insourced" jobs paid a salary 32 percent higher than the average U.S. salary. So here's my question to anti-traders: If "outsourcing" is harmful to the U.S., it must also be harmful to European countries and Japan; would you advise them to take their jobs back home?
Tom Millican;
“Outsourcing” is harmful to any country that does it. What you are not saying is that the companies that you mentioned are also doing well in their home countries. Those companies found it more economical to do business nearer the largest number of their customers. Again, the US should welcome any and all companies that want to build plants and create payrolls in the US.
This is going to be hard for your to swallow but the higher wage is because the ex-employees of those companies that went over seas were only able to find lower paying service jobs.
Walter Williams;
Wal-Mart has become the whipping boy for political demagogues, unions and anti-traders. I suggest that they have the wrong target. The correct target is revealed by answering the question: "Why does Wal-Mart exist and prosper?" Wal-Mart exists and prospers because tens of millions of Americans find Wal-Mart to be a suitable source of goods and services. Clinton, Obama, unions and anti-traders should direct their outrage and condemnation at the tens of millions of Americans who shop at Wal-Mart and keep it in business.
Tom Millican;
Suitable source of goods and services, hmmmm. Wal-Mart’s rise is the real barometer of the falling incomes in the US Walter and the consumer is only trying to survive.
Walter Williams;
There's great angst over the loss of manufacturing jobs. The number of U.S. manufacturing jobs has fallen, and it's mainly a result of technological innovation, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. Daniel W. Drezner, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, in "The Outsourcing Bogeyman" (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2004), notes that U.S. manufacturing employment between 1995 and 2002 fell by 11 percent. Globally, manufacturing job loss averaged 11 percent. China lost 15 percent of its manufacturing jobs, 4.5 million man-ufacturing jobs compared with the loss of 3.1 million in the U.S. Job loss is the trend among the top 10 manufacturing countries who produce 75 percent of the world's manufacturing output (the U.S., Japan, Germany, China, Britain, France, Italy, Korea, Canada and Mexico).
But guess what -- globally, manufacturing output rose by 30 percent during the same period. According to research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, U.S. manufacturing output increased by 100 percent between 1987 and today. Technological progress and innovation is the primary cause for the decrease in manufacturing jobs. Should we save manufacturing jobs by outlawing labor-saving equipment and technology?
Tom Millican;
Walter, here in North and South Carolina the furniture and textile industries were already modernizing their operations but were still bundled up and sent overseas. If modernization was the answer why didn’t all of those companies just stay here in the US and up date their plants etc. No they wanted the cheaper labor along with more modern plants. When Clinton the more shameful one signed NAFTA and the automobile industry flew south of the boarder it was not because of modernization. It was out and out cheaper labor. So get off this technology kick and tell the whole truth or are you on the payroll of the Council on Foreign Relations?
Walter Williams;
Economist Joseph Schumpeter referred to this process witnessed in market economies as "creative destruction," where technology, innovation and trade destroy some jobs while creating others. While the process works hardships on some people, any attempt to impede the process will make all of us worse off.
Tom Millican;
First off Walter your economist was sympathetic to Karl Marx’s belief that capitalism would collapse and that it would be replaced with socialism. He also used a word “corporatism” which he believed would lead to values unfriendly to Capitalism. He further professed that the climate needed to allow entrepreneurship to survive will not exist in advanced capitalism. If you were honest with your readers you would have told them that Schumpeter also believed that the final conclusion of his theory would be a welfare state!
As your president I will put up trade barriers. Free trade is not free to the family who is out-placed by the loss of their jobs. I will continue to encourage foreign companies to bring their jobs to America and in fact my “Fair Tax” legislation will do just that.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Comments from Mr. Clarke
Look I don't have a lot of money to donate to your ideas but just hearing about them gives me some hope. You do not mention the war. What were we to do? Sit back a wait until America was totally destroyed? U.S Cole, Lockerbee, Marine Barracks, 9-11, Twin towers twice (include 9-11), Pearle thrown off a cruise ship, etc, etc,? Iraq used weapons of mass destruction when they invaded Iran, on the Kurds and also invaded Kuwait killing and raping their women, burning their oil wells. This was the ideal place to put a stop to this. I only wished and suggested to the President to use the neutron bomb in Afganistan and then conquer Iraq. 500,000 troops to start. No one to have a weapon other than our troops. Everyone had to stay inside at dark and permission otherwise. Anyway I am just beginning to research you but so far I think you and I are as close as are most GOOD Americans. God be on your side.
Mr. Clarke
Mr. Clarke
New Fair Tax Banner carrier
Rather than start an independent run, I strongly suggest we use our strengths to convince Mr. McCain the FAIR TAX is the way to go. I do not advocate injecting a split to the voting alternative. In our case this only gives advantage to the Democrats.
Mr. Thompson
Mr. Thompson
New Fair Tax Banner Carrier
Tom, please send your background info. You may not want a Jesuit educated, NRA lifer, right-wing extremist wacko on your team. If we have a fit, Patty and I will help. Regards. Fitzs.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
An Email on Home Values from Keith
Greetings Mr. Millican,
My name is Keith and I just listened to your nine minute speech on your ideals on helping to improve our great country. Yes, I am an American and I am also registered as an independent for my own personal beliefs. I am moved by your words to better this nation, however I would like some insite as to what plans you have for our financial situation concerning home values and the trade strength of our once "mighty" dollar.
Thank you,
My name is Keith and I just listened to your nine minute speech on your ideals on helping to improve our great country. Yes, I am an American and I am also registered as an independent for my own personal beliefs. I am moved by your words to better this nation, however I would like some insite as to what plans you have for our financial situation concerning home values and the trade strength of our once "mighty" dollar.
Thank you,
Friday, February 22, 2008
National Debt Email Sent to Mr. Millican
Dear Mr Millican:
What cost $1.00 in 1938 would cost $14.30 in 2007. According to
Therefore, adjusted for inflation the national debt in 2007 was much smaller than the national debt in 1938.
But the chart on your site makes it look as if the national debt in 2007 was larger than the national debt in 1928.
Thus the chart on your site is very incorrect.
Actually, it's very much more complicated than that. A loaf of bread cost about eight cents in 1938. But that was a larger percentage of personal income for most American families in 1938 than the cost of a loaf of bread is today. And the unemployment rate in 1938 was about 25%.
For example, my mother never worked a day in her life. My father (born in 1905, or something like that) was a lawyer, and he and his friends thought of themselves as upper class. (I won't say "middle class" because Lou Dobbs uses that term to mean those at the bottom of the economic scale, not those in the middle.) However, their suburban houses would fit into the "family room" of most suburban houses today. And most families had only one automobile. As in the case of my father, it may have been a Cadillac, but it was the only family car. The things people think they "need" has increased even faster than incomes have increase.
And, of course, as the population grows and people around the world get richer, the price of those things whose quantity can never increase goes through the roof. For example, the best French wines.
But to accurately report even the rough data for the national debt, you need to find a chart that is adjusted for inflation. As it is, you are reporting a "fact" that is both meaningless and dishonest.
A lot of people would like to earn a 2007 income and pay 1938 prices. But that is impossible.
With every best wish,
J. Rogozinski
What cost $1.00 in 1938 would cost $14.30 in 2007. According to
Therefore, adjusted for inflation the national debt in 2007 was much smaller than the national debt in 1938.
But the chart on your site makes it look as if the national debt in 2007 was larger than the national debt in 1928.
Thus the chart on your site is very incorrect.
Actually, it's very much more complicated than that. A loaf of bread cost about eight cents in 1938. But that was a larger percentage of personal income for most American families in 1938 than the cost of a loaf of bread is today. And the unemployment rate in 1938 was about 25%.
For example, my mother never worked a day in her life. My father (born in 1905, or something like that) was a lawyer, and he and his friends thought of themselves as upper class. (I won't say "middle class" because Lou Dobbs uses that term to mean those at the bottom of the economic scale, not those in the middle.) However, their suburban houses would fit into the "family room" of most suburban houses today. And most families had only one automobile. As in the case of my father, it may have been a Cadillac, but it was the only family car. The things people think they "need" has increased even faster than incomes have increase.
And, of course, as the population grows and people around the world get richer, the price of those things whose quantity can never increase goes through the roof. For example, the best French wines.
But to accurately report even the rough data for the national debt, you need to find a chart that is adjusted for inflation. As it is, you are reporting a "fact" that is both meaningless and dishonest.
A lot of people would like to earn a 2007 income and pay 1938 prices. But that is impossible.
With every best wish,
J. Rogozinski
We All Want the Same Thing
America is in real trouble, I agree. We must unite to stop the North American Union. Why not lead the effort to unite all of the independent candidates and Congressman Ron Paul, who all want the same thing: a return to the Constitution, freedom and truth. We will not win this fight unless we all unite.
N. Cone
N. Cone
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Comment From the Conservative Times
Mr. Millican or one of his supporters has been posting at our website, At the website I have asked a couple of times what Mr. Millican's views are on foreign policy. Is he for or against the Iraq War? In general is he pro-intervention or anti-intervention? We would appreciate a reply. We will even be happy to post it as a Guest Author column.
Red Phillips
Red Phillips
Monday, January 28, 2008
Catawban can lead U.S. back to greatness
Your Voice
Hickory Daily Record
Monday, January 28, 2008
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” Henry David Thoreau wrote that and I believe it is referring to my candidate for the presidency. The only one who is striking at the root of America’s problems, Tom Millican. The freedoms of America laid out in America’s Constitution are worth defending regardless of the cost and it is, I believe, our duty to defend them against all attackers. Our freedoms as spelled out in America’s Constitution is our inheritance from our founding fathers which were purchased by them for us with their sweat, tears, great fortunes and ultimately their blood and ultimately transmitted those freedoms to us with all do care and diligence. It would be unforgivable of us if we should lose them by violence without a fight, or to be tricked out of them by those that dangled “globalization” in front of us.
How many of you have lost your jobs do to these globalizists? The globalizists are working toward world wide free trade at yours and mine expense. You and I have paid for globalization with the loss of our jobs, the very jobs that we planed our lives and our futures around. We believed that our elected officials were looking out for our best interest but instead it was only their interest that mattered to them.
Now in this season for vote harvesting they come back to us vowing to “CHANGE.” How can we believe them when the majority of those running are members or immediate past members of the lowest rated congress and senate in the history of America?
The two ex-governor candidates and ex-mayor candidate choose to ignore enforcement of the1996 immigration law. Yet, they followed government mandates to spend our money on the illegal aliens through our social services, schools and hospitals. I am a believer that their action speaks louder than their words. You know, Albert Einstein had a way to prove stupidity. He said, “If you continue to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome then the answer is obvious, you’re stupid.” So, if you are going to do the same thing over and over again by voting for a republican or democrat and are expecting a different result from their service then you fit Albert Einstein’s definition. So, show your intelligence get behind Tom Millican and help him become the first citizen’s president since George Washington.
Tom will remove all illegal aliens from our country. Tom will build the fence on our borders with Mexico. Tom will secure all of our seaports. Tom will fight and defeat any terrorist threat to America. Tom will speed the creation and delivery of a non food competitive alternative fuel emancipating America from its dependency on foreign oil imports. Tom will work for the passage of the “Fair Tax” ultimately doing away with the need for the IRS and income tax fillings. Tom will bring back to America the manufacturing jobs that the democrats and republicans did not fight to protect and keep.
Tom will put an impenetrable pad lock on all future social security payments. Tom, through the help of the “Fair Tax” passage will develop the best alternative for solving the Medicare debacle that if left unattended will bankrupt America. Tom feels that America is on the verge of great leaps in space exploration and will vigorously work to take America further into space than ever before re-igniting the desire in our youth for math and science education.
No guts no glory. Now is the time to get behind my choice for a great future for America. Come out and help our fellow Catawban create real change that will take America back to its destined world leadership.
Ms. Rhyne
Hickory Daily Record
Monday, January 28, 2008
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” Henry David Thoreau wrote that and I believe it is referring to my candidate for the presidency. The only one who is striking at the root of America’s problems, Tom Millican. The freedoms of America laid out in America’s Constitution are worth defending regardless of the cost and it is, I believe, our duty to defend them against all attackers. Our freedoms as spelled out in America’s Constitution is our inheritance from our founding fathers which were purchased by them for us with their sweat, tears, great fortunes and ultimately their blood and ultimately transmitted those freedoms to us with all do care and diligence. It would be unforgivable of us if we should lose them by violence without a fight, or to be tricked out of them by those that dangled “globalization” in front of us.
How many of you have lost your jobs do to these globalizists? The globalizists are working toward world wide free trade at yours and mine expense. You and I have paid for globalization with the loss of our jobs, the very jobs that we planed our lives and our futures around. We believed that our elected officials were looking out for our best interest but instead it was only their interest that mattered to them.
Now in this season for vote harvesting they come back to us vowing to “CHANGE.” How can we believe them when the majority of those running are members or immediate past members of the lowest rated congress and senate in the history of America?
The two ex-governor candidates and ex-mayor candidate choose to ignore enforcement of the1996 immigration law. Yet, they followed government mandates to spend our money on the illegal aliens through our social services, schools and hospitals. I am a believer that their action speaks louder than their words. You know, Albert Einstein had a way to prove stupidity. He said, “If you continue to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome then the answer is obvious, you’re stupid.” So, if you are going to do the same thing over and over again by voting for a republican or democrat and are expecting a different result from their service then you fit Albert Einstein’s definition. So, show your intelligence get behind Tom Millican and help him become the first citizen’s president since George Washington.
Tom will remove all illegal aliens from our country. Tom will build the fence on our borders with Mexico. Tom will secure all of our seaports. Tom will fight and defeat any terrorist threat to America. Tom will speed the creation and delivery of a non food competitive alternative fuel emancipating America from its dependency on foreign oil imports. Tom will work for the passage of the “Fair Tax” ultimately doing away with the need for the IRS and income tax fillings. Tom will bring back to America the manufacturing jobs that the democrats and republicans did not fight to protect and keep.
Tom will put an impenetrable pad lock on all future social security payments. Tom, through the help of the “Fair Tax” passage will develop the best alternative for solving the Medicare debacle that if left unattended will bankrupt America. Tom feels that America is on the verge of great leaps in space exploration and will vigorously work to take America further into space than ever before re-igniting the desire in our youth for math and science education.
No guts no glory. Now is the time to get behind my choice for a great future for America. Come out and help our fellow Catawban create real change that will take America back to its destined world leadership.
Ms. Rhyne
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