Monday, December 3, 2007

Why should anyone support you?

Hello, I have been a Republican activits for 7 years. Who are you? Why should anyone support you? Thanks, Pam Brown
87th Legislative Dist Chair,
Republican Party of VA
Past Pres. Norfolk Republican Women 2004
Delegate Republican National Convention
VFRW Board of Directors

1 comment:

Tom Millican for President said...


Why should anyone support me? I must first ask why anyone would support any candidate. Of course the easy answer is that the one supported is most in tune with the views of those in support, of which I agree. The only problem with that view is that the majority of the red and blue jersey vote for the jersey that they are wearing rather than for the views of a candidate.

I am now under the belief that America would be better served choosing someone outside of the two parties. Here’s why. If the voter really wants to achieve change and responsiveness, from our elected officials, then they need someone in the oval office that is not tied to the dictates of one team or the other. In my opinion the president should represent the majority votes that put him into office because his views were their views and not because of the color of his jersey. Under the current two party system the person elected president is also the head of the party that he belongs too. That being the case then the question for me and I hope you is where would his REAL allegiance lie.

I see the office of the president as the one who best represents the majority views of we the people. I also believe that is the way that our founding fathers believed. Though the president can not legislate he can set agendas by legislative initiatives. These initiatives are predicated on his views which would be the majority views of the voters who put him into office.

Our first president was dead set against political parties and even warned America against party formation. His warning turned out to be true. He said that the party system works only for the good and power of the party and not the recognized will of the people.
This is most evidenced by the actions of the two parties over the last 20 years. You would have to be deaf to not hear the outcry from the voters in respect to illegal immigration, trade, jobs, the war etc. The two parities spend more time trying to do the each other in than working on solutions.

That is why the time is right for an unaffiliated candidate to win this election. As your president I will remove the illegal aliens from our country. I will secure both borders and seaports. I will disconnect America from foreign oil imports which are a major security risk by making us beholding to those whom we import oil from.

The two party system is leading America into bankruptcy. The two party system has led America away from its manufacturing prowess. The American dollar is the weakest it has been in over 20 years because the two party system was more concerned about themselves than about the future of America.

My economic goals are to return to America its manufacturing jobs by leveling the playing field. I believe in “Fair Trade” and not “Free Trade”. To level the playing field I will use a combination of import duties and tariffs so that American made products will have a better chance to compete.

Along with that I will push for passage of HR25 and S1025 the “Fair Tax” legislation that will do away with personal income tax as well as a wealth of other taxes resulting in more money in an employee’s pay envelope.

To insure that Social Security will be there when it’s needed I will put an impenetrable padlock on all future SS deposits. This padlock will be the catalysis for the dismantling of the burgeoning government bureaucracy. Without the steady flow that the SS payments provide for the congress the congress will have to look else where for the money to fund on going operations or shut them down. Raising taxes will be one way but a way that I will fight which I fill is the view held by most Americans.

Who am I? I’m an American that is sick and tired of watching the quality of our government sink to the lowest approval level in the history of our republic. From the White House to the congress the majority of our elected officials have turned their backs on America in so many ways they are too numerous to list. Now the parties are asking the voters to vote for more of the same by the presentation of these two slates.

I do not want more of the same. I want America to be America and not the North American Union. I want America to be self determinate and a leader in all fields. No more do I want the WTO, the CFR, the Carlyle group or any globalist to lead our politicians around by the ring in their noses, especially the president of America.

You can then choose to vote for the color of a jersey or you can vote for America by voting for me.

Tom Millican
2008 Presidential Candidate